Running Pack, Place and Route Tools

The eblif file generated during the synthesis is used for pack, place and route along with device information, pcf and the sdc file.
User needs to provide the csv, sdc and pcf file. These are optional input files. CSV and pcf file is not present in the test folder.


ql_symbiflow -compile -src <source complete path> -d <device> -t <top module name> -v <verilog files> -p <pcf file> -P <Package CSV file> -s <SDC file> -pnr_corner <fast/slow>

The output files dumped will be:
<TOP>.net : Once packing is complete.
<TOP>.place : Placer file from VPR
<TOP>.route  : Router file from VPR

One can refer to the pack.log, placer.log, router.log for more information related to each tool.

cd <INSTALL_PATH>/quicklogic-arch-defs/share/symbiflow/tests/counter_16bit
ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d qlf_k4n8 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -s counter_16bit.sdc

The above command will also run synthesis if it was not run before.

If user wants to do IO fix placement, then pcf and csv files need to be specified in the following manner:

cd <INSTALL_PATH>/quicklogic-arch-defs/share/symbiflow/tests/counter_16bit
ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d qlf_k4n8 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -s counter_16bit.sdc -p counter_16bit.pcf -P pinmap_qlf_k4n8_umc22.csv -pnr_corner fast

The Timing analysis refer the files report_timing.hold.rpt, report_timing.setup.rpt and top.log inside the build folder

For the counter design below is the timing report from the top.log file:

Hold Worst Negative Slack (hWNS):    0 ns
Hold Total Negative Slack (hTNS):    0 ns
Setup Worst Negative Slack (sWNS):   -2.91 ns
Setup Total Negative Slack (sTNS):   -162.424 ns
Final critical path: 2.91 ns, Fmax:  343.643 MHz


Options : -P, -s, -p, -pnr_corner are only available for QLF_K4N8