Design flowΒΆ

Setup environment

To run the counter_16bit or any example, perform these steps once. Design flow will be covered using the counter_16bit design which is avaiable in the package. We will use the device QLF_K4N8 for this run. However the flow for the device QLF_K6N10 is similar except that it is supported only till place and route.

export INSTALL_DIR="specify the installpath"
cd $INSTALL_DIR; source


#adding symbiflow toolchain binaries to PATH
export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/quicklogic-arch-defs/bin:$INSTALL_DIR/quicklogic-arch-defs/bin/python:$PATH"
source "$INSTALL_DIR/conda/etc/profile.d/"
conda activate

Entering an HDL Design:

1. Write a Verilog code for the design using any text editor.
2. Verify the syntax.
3. Create the simulation stimuli using any text editor.

The code and testbench for the example design are present at: