Running pack, Place and Route tools (EOS-S3)¶
- The eblif file generated during the synthesis is used for pack, place and route along with device information, pcf and the sdc file.
Syntax:ql_symbiflow -compile -src <source complete path> -d <device> -t <top module name> -v <verilog files> -p <pcf file> -P <Package file> -s <SDC file>- The output files dumped will be:
<TOP>.net : Once packing is complete.
<TOP>.place : Placer file from VPR
<TOP>.route : Router file from VPR
One can refer to the pack.log, placer.log, router.log for more information related to each <INSTALL_PATH>/quicklogic-arch-defs/tests/counter_16bit ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d ql-eos-s3 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -p chandalar.pcf -P PD64 -s counter_16bit.sdcThe above command will also run synthesis if it was not run before.
To Generate Various files during compile, use the below options Common command with just output file change:
ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d ql-eos-s3 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -p chandalar.pcf -P PD64 -s counter_16bit.sdc -dump jlink/post_verilog/header
To Generate the Post-Layout Verilog file
This is the Verilog file used for the functional simulation to verify the Place and Route output.
Syntax:ql_symbiflow -compile -src <source complete path> -d <device> -t <top module name> -v <verilog files> -p <pcf file> -P <Package file> -s <SDC file> -dump post_verilogThe output files dumped will be:
top_bit.v : Post layout Verilog file (for verifying the configuration bits)
top_post_synthesis.v : Post layout Verilog file (for timing simulation)
top_post_synthesis.sdf : SDF file (for timing simulation)ql_symbiflow -compile -src $PWD -d ql-eos-s3 -t top -v counter_16bit.v -p chandalar.pcf -P PD64 -s counter_16bit.sdc -dump post_verilog
The Timing analysis refer the files report_timing.hold.rpt, report_timing.setup.rpt and top.log inside the build folder
For the counter design below is the timing report from the top.log file:
Hold Worst Negative Slack (hWNS): 0 ns
Hold Total Negative Slack (hTNS): 0 ns
Setup Worst Negative Slack (sWNS): -35.2295 ns
Setup Total Negative Slack (sTNS): -1062.29 ns
Final critical path: 35.2295 ns, Fmax: 28.3853 MHz