The RAM macros (RAM_8K_BLK.v & RAM_16K_BLK.v) are part of pp3_cells_sim.v at:
The examples of RAMs are present at:
The Design example using S3 SRAM block are present at:
RAM_8K_BLK RAM macro is 8K bits block which can be configured as:
1 independent 8Kbits RAM block
RAM can be initialized through INIT or INIT_FILE
RAM_16K_BLK RAM macro is a 16K bits block which can be configured as:
A horizontal concatenated block (16Kbits)
A vertical concatenated block (16Kbits)
RAM can be initialized through INIT or INIT_FILE
Example 1: 1 8Kbits RAM
module r512x16_512x16 (WA,RA,WD,WClk,RClk,WClk_En,RClk_En,WEN,RD);
input [8:0] WA;
input [8:0] RA;
input WClk,RClk;
input WClk_En,RClk_En;
input [1:0] WEN;
input [15:0] WD;
output [15:0] RD;
parameter [16383:0] INIT = 16384'b0;
parameter INIT_FILE="init_512x16.hex";
parameter addr_int = 9 ;
parameter data_depth_int = 512;
parameter data_width_int = 16;
parameter wr_enable_int = 2;
parameter reg_rd_int = 0;
RAM_8K_BLK #(.addr_int(addr_int),.data_depth_int(data_depth_int),.data_width_int(data_width_int),.wr_enable_int(wr_enable_int),.reg_rd_int(reg_rd_int),
RAM_INST ( .WA(WA), .RA(RA), .WD(WD), .WClk(WClk), .RClk(RClk), .WClk_En(WClk_En), .RClk_En(RClk_En), .WEN(WEN), .RD(RD));
Example 2: Horizontal Concatenation
512x32 RAM (16 Kbits)
RAM can be initialized through INIT or INIT_FILE
module r512x32_512x32 (WA,RA,WD,WClk,RClk,WClk_En,RClk_En,WEN,RD);
input [8:0] WA;
input [8:0] RA;
input WClk,RClk;
input WClk_En,RClk_En;
input [3:0] WEN;
input [31:0] WD;
output [31:0] RD;
parameter [16383:0] INIT = 16384'b0;
parameter INIT_FILE="init_512x32.hex";
parameter addr_int = 9 ;
parameter data_depth_int = 512;
parameter data_width_int = 32;
parameter wr_enable_int = 4;
parameter reg_rd_int = 0;
RAM_16K_BLK #(.addr_int(addr_int),.data_depth_int(data_depth_int),.data_width_int(data_width_int),.wr_enable_int(wr_enable_int),.reg_rd_int(reg_rd_int),
RAM_INST ( .WA(WA), .RA(RA), .WD(WD), .WClk(WClk), .RClk(RClk), .WClk_En(WClk_En), .RClk_En(RClk_En), .WEN(WEN), .RD(RD));
Example 3: Vertical Concatenation
2048 x 8 RAM (16 Kbits)
RAM can be initialized through INIT or INIT_FILE
module r2048x8_2048x8 (WA,RA,WD,WClk,RClk,WClk_En,RClk_En,WEN,RD);
input [10:0] WA;
input [10:0] RA;
input WClk,RClk;
input WClk_En,RClk_En;
input WEN;
input [7:0] WD;
output [7:0] RD;
parameter [16383:0] INIT = 16384'b0;
parameter INIT_FILE="init_2048x8.hex";
parameter addr_int = 11 ;
parameter data_depth_int = 2048;
parameter data_width_int = 8;
parameter wr_enable_int = 1;
parameter reg_rd_int = 0;
RAM_16K_BLK #(.addr_int(addr_int),.data_depth_int(data_depth_int),.data_width_int(data_width_int),.wr_enable_int(wr_enable_int),.reg_rd_int(reg_rd_int),
RAM_INST ( .WA(WA), .RA(RA), .WD(WD), .WClk(WClk), .RClk(RClk), .WClk_En(WClk_En), .RClk_En(RClk_En), .WEN(WEN), .RD(RD));